Hey Mum,

Here's what I've been up to.

Alligator Wrestling

It’s easier than it looks! Our guide assured us we weren’t in any danger. Being in the USA it’s customary to tip your guide. Although, on this tour our guide gave us a tip – the tip of his finger was bitten off by this little guy. I brought it... read more

New York and hungry

This is Will and I having a disagreement about who should pay for hot dogs. It was eventually settled (by me) and we set off on the Staten Island Ferry! On the return trip Will and I both agreed that the hot dogs did not agree with us and we regretted them for the... read more

Big Sandwich in a Big City

Check out the size of this sandwich mum! I could only eat half of it and the server made me take the other half with me. I carried it around in my pocket all afternoon. Then I thew it out because I started to sense people could tell I had half a sandwich in my pocket.... read more

Belly up in Bora Bora

Hey Mum, this is me signalling the lifeguard in Bora Bora.  Don’t worry I was ok, was just letting him know I was ready for the photo. Not sure why they need lifeguards, the water is waist deep for about 500 meters. read more